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Gwaith Thema Theme work

Gwaith ar Susan Rees/Work on Susan Rees
Dysgu am fywyd plant oedd yn gweithio y pyllau glo/Learning about children who use to work in the coal mines

Dathlu diwrnod Santes Dwynwen/Celebrating Santes Dwynwen Day

Hanes Susan Rees/The history of Susan Rees
Ein thema yr hanner tymor yma yw Trychinebau/Our theme this half term is Disasters

Dysgu am drychineb Aberfan/Learning about the Aberfan tragedy


Gwaith ar Y Titanic/Work on the Titanic
Creu collage o’r Titanic/Collage of the Titanic
Ein gwaith gorffenedig/Our finished work
Creu poster/Creating a poster
Ysgrifennu e bost/Writing an e mail
Ein cyflwyniadau-Trychinebau/Our presentations-Disasters
Gwaith ar Thailand/ Work on Thailand