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Lluniau-Hylendid Photos-Hygiene

Blwyddyn 3A

Dysgu am waith pwysig Florence Nightingale/Learning about Florence Nightingale 

Betsi Cadwaladr

Still image for this video

Gwaith ar germau/Sut mae germau yn lledaenu?

Work on germs/How do germs spread?

Hylendid y geg/Oral hygiene 

Bwyta’n iach/Healthy eating- Tyfu a blasu tomatoes/Growing and tasting tomatoes

Pwysigrwydd brwsio dannedd/ The importance of brushing teeth

Dathlu penblwydd Dewi/Celebrating Dewi’s birthday

Cystadleuaeth creu carden/ Design a card competition

Cynllun Gwen/Design to Smile

Hylendid Bwyd/Food hygiene

Cystadleuaeth tyfu tatws/Potato growing competition

Pwysigrwydd hylendid y geg/The importance of oral hygiene