Mae Teulu Cymru yma ar gyfer rhieni a theuluoedd plant 0-18 oed, gan eu cyfeirio at lawer o wahanol ffynonellau cymorth ymarferol ac ariannol Llywodraeth Cymru.
O awgrymiadau magu plant a chyngor datblygu arbenigol i helpu gyda chostau gofal plant. Mae Teulu Cymru yn ei gwneud hi ychydig yn haws i rieni ddod o hyd i’r cymorth hwn mewn un lle.
Earlier this week, the Welsh Government launched Teulu Cymru, a new brand which brings its main childcare and parenting campaigns under one roof.
Teulu Cymru or “Family of Wales,” is here for parents, carers and families of children aged 0-18, pointing them in the right direction for different Welsh Government sources of practical and financial support.
From parenting tips and expert development advice, to help with childcare costs - Teulu makes it a little easier to access this support in one place.
Cefnogaeth Magu Plant / Parenting Support
Cefnogaeth i bobl ifanc/ Support for young people
Cefnogaeth Anabledd / Disability Support