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Mae Ysgol Saron yn ysgol hapus, bywiog a chroesawgar lle gwelir pawb yn cyd-weithio i ddarparu amrywiaeth o brofiadau ac ystod o gyfleoedd  gyda’r nod o osod sylfaen gadarn ar gyfer dyfodol pob plentyn.


Ysbrydolwn ein disgyblion trwy gyflwyno cwricwlwm eang a chyfrous sy’n cael ei gynllunio trwy ddull themateg.   Ein nod yw i annog pob disgybl i feithrin hunanhyder yn eu gallu personol: mae gennym ddisgwyliadau uchel sy’n rhoi pwyslais ar bawb i geisio eu gorau glas.


Mae plant yn dysgu orau pan yn teimlo’n hapus ac yn ddiogel felly mae holl staff yr ysgol yn ymroddedig i gefnogi’n disgyblion a’u teuluoedd i sicrau eu bod yn barod ac yn abl i ddysgu.  Anelwn at sicrhau fod profiadau dysgu’r disgyblion yn berthnasol, cyffrous a phwrpasol ac wedi eu seilio ar ddatblygu sgiliau sylfaenol.


Gobeithio y gwnewch fwynhau crwydro ein gwefan a darganfod mwy am ein hysgol.  Ond, pe bai gennych gwestiynnau ychwanegol yna peidiwch oedi cysylltu â ni’n uniongyrchol.


Mae’r staff, llywodraethwyr, disgyblion a rhieni i gyd yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn nhaith addysgol pob plentyn.  Edrychwn ymlaen at  ddod i adnabod eich plentyn a rannu’r daith yma gyda nhw.


Mrs Gwenda Easton









Ysgol Saron is a happy, lively and welcoming school where everyone works together to provide a variety of experiences and wide ranging opportunities with the aim of laying firm foundations for every child’s future.


We inspire our pupils through a varied and exciting curriculum taught through a thematic approach.  Our aim is to encourage every pupil to believe in themselves and in what they can do; we expect our pupils to achieve their very best in everything they attempt.


Children learn effectively when they are happy, safe and secure, therefore all staff are committed to supporting pupils and their families to ensure children are ready and able to learn.  We aim to ensure that children’s learning experiences are relevant, exciting and purposeful and underpinned by the rigorous development of basic skills.


We hope you enjoy browsing our website and that you find the information you are looking for.  However, if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.


Our school team consists of staff, governors, children and parents, all fully involved in each child’s educational journey.  We look forward to getting to know your child and sharing that journey with them.


Mrs Gwenda Easton

Head Teacher